Another tip to sell your houses faster

In spite of the subprime dry up, there are underwriters still willing to offer 100% financing to our buyers. Our marketing is  currently focused around owner financing and "No Money  Down" in order to get the phones to ring.
A mortgage broker called me yesterday because he had  someone qualified but couldn’t find a home or seller willing to  work with them. If you still have inventory that you’re trying to  sell, fax and call every mortgage broker in town and tell them  you’re a flexible seller willing to carryback a 2nd.
Be sure to fax them weekly with your available inventory. Most make the mistake and assume one telephone call or fax will do the trick. Stay in front of them and be sure to place their telephone number in your flyers and advertisements. I usually  precede it with "Buy this Home with Zero Down by calling.."


Happy Investing