Website Traffic?

Let’s have a little discussion about TRAFFIC, today’s hot topic.
Traffic is always on any internet marketers mind.  Everyone wants traffic…Traffic this….Traffic that….How to get more Traffic.  Today we are going to clear up some things about Traffic, and bring you to an understanding that not all traffic is GOOD TRAFFIC.   
** Where Can I Get The GOOD Traffic
The biggest Traffic mistake someone can make is assuming that more Traffic is better than less traffic.  This is simply not the case and we are going to tell you why. 

Traffic comes in many forms, PPC Search Engines, natural traffic, bulk traffic, blogs, forums, content networks, offline advertising, and media driven events.  All of these channels can be profitable, but you need to understand a few things first.

1.The only good type of traffic is relevant traffic.   As mentioned yesterday, it is important to have a relevant website visitors are looking for.  We’ll guess what, it goes the other way as well.  It is important to choose traffic that is relevant to what you are promoting  on your website. 

2.Free traffic can be high quality.   There are several ways to obtain free traffic that will drive highly qualified leads and potentially customers to your website.  These include natural search listings (through SEO), forums, blogs, a focus groups.
3.All traffic is not the same.

Traffic within Google differs from traffic in Yahoo!, which differs from natural search listings, which differs from email traffic, which differs from…I think you get the point!!  Don’t treat all traffic the same, because it will not produce equal results.  Some engines produce more qualified traffic (such as Google), that will convert very well.

Now that you know a bit about Traffic, we’ll get into the INTERESTING part!  Tomorrow you will learn how you can get started and instantly increase your website conversions in minutes – No Joke…