Free Search Engine Optimization Tools from Google

Below you will find links to a great collection of tools available to you to get the best rankings in the Search Engines and also allow you to keep up to date with what is happening on your site.

8 ways aanalytic software will help build a broader audience

Analytics software displays details about your visitors that can greatly help you both retain current visitors and gain new visitors. These metrics can also help you identify previously unnoticed website trends. But what metric is best for your real estate blog? This is where many real estate agents get stuck. My advice is to ask yourself a few questions that you would like answered by your analytics data.
Here are 8 useful metrics that I watch on a regular basis:

  1. Unique Visitor Tracking: Visitors are a good way of tracking your website or blog traffic. So Unique Visitors are a great way of monitoring new traffic. You will be looking for your monthly number of unique visitors to trend upwards month after month.
  2. Referring URL’s: I absolutely love this feature of analytics software. In my opinion Clicky is the best at giving me complete URL’s for referring pages. This data is extremely useful when tracking marketing campaigns for your listings, blog interviews, carnivals and lots more. You can see a specific number of unique visitors that came from a particular page or domain.
  3. Searches & Keywords: Knowing what your website / blog visitors are searching to find you is very useful. Think of viewing your visitors search terms as understanding their goal in coming to your website. Gold mine! You’ll understand the content that is working so you can write more in that area.Also use the searched terms provided by your analytics software to track the effectiveness of your optimization strategies. Say your primary search term is “Dublin Ca Real Estate.” Analytics software will help you identify whether or not any searchers are finding you with those search terms. If you see they are not, you can increase your keyword density around those words.
  4. Outgoing Clicks or Exit: Understanding where your visitors are leaving your site is important. Did they leave because they were uninterested, confused, or just because they didn’t want to proceed the way you were offering? Based off your exit page stats you can make adjustments to slow abandonment rates. For example you may learn that users are getting to your IDX MLS search but you require sign-in. The website visitors are leaving your search tool, looking for another site without registration. A simple fix may be to move the registration, and give more information upfront.
  5. Screen Resolution, Browser etc: When first developing your website / blog you probably didn’t know a lot about your potential readers screen resolution. So you had to build your layout based on what little information you had available. However with analytics software you can track your visitors screen resolution. How many visitors have resolution lower than your site width can fit? If it’s a big segment you may want to redesign to stop unneeded scrolling.
  6. Filter Viewers: As you take a closer look at particular characteristics of your visitors, you may have the need to segment your results. This is where Filters come in. Filter only users of a particular Web browser, Country, or even referrer domain. Maybe you want to filter out a specific IP address of your work? By eliminating those visits you gain a deeper understanding of your true visitor count.
  7. Bounce Rate: If the bounce rate is high, you may need to tailor that page better…maybe redisplay the content. You may also look at the referrer URL and compare bounce rates. Are some traffic sources higher quality? If so, you can focus on gaining more traffic from those referrers.
  8. Site Overlay: Google gives you the ability to overlay your metrics on your website / blog to see exactly where users are clicking. Wouldn’t it be powerful to understand how Digg users are interacting with your site compared to StumbleUpon users? How about Google search traffic, how do they interact with your site compared to Yahoo search traffic?


Google Webmaster Guidelines

This is probably the most important document for SEO. It’s the “instruction manual” to having your website listed in Google. And while these instructions are from Google, it gives solid information that can be applied to all Search Engines.

Google Site Status

If you are unsure if your website is listed with Google, use the Site Status Wizard. Simply enter in the URL of your website and the wizard will tell you if your pages are currently being indexed by Google. If they are not, you can use the next tool to submit your website to Google.

Google Webmaster Console

Google gives you your own Control Panel to monitor your results in Google. This control panel will allow you to submit pages to Google (via their Sitemaps service), show you how well your website is ranking, display a list of your backlinks and give you feedback on your website copy.

Google Alerts

Google Alerts allows you to setup notification emails when Google adds new webpages related to a specific search term. You simply specify your search term, choose the type of content (News, Blogs, Web or All), and choose how often you want to be notified (day, week, or as-it-happens). This tool is great for keeping tabs on your competition or knowing when Google picks up your new page.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free comprehensive website statistics package that allows you to view reporting on nearly every aspect of your website. Their latest version allows you to schedule reoccurring email reporting. This means that you can setup your most crucial reports and have them automatically delivered to your inbox on a daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly basis.